Friday, August 31, 2012

Paul Rayn speach - economic fact-checking

Paul Ryan stands by remark blaming Obama for U.S. credit downgrade

Ryan says firm lowered U.S. credit rating due to "dysfunction in Washington" that traces to president, even though S&P cited Republican intransigence on revenues

Video: Paul Ryan defends budget crisis remark from RNC speech

During his speech at the Republican National Convention, GOP Vice Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan suggested it was President Obama's fault that America's credit rating was downgraded and defended that statement in an interview with Scott Pelley.

Fact-checking Paul Ryan's RNC speech

Vice presidential candidate's claims about GM plant and Simpson-Bowles debt commission raised a few eyebrows

Video: Comparing the candidates' tax policies

In a recent poll, two out of five voters say they are worse-off financially than they were four years ago. Both Mitt Romney and President Obama are courting middle-class voters with changes to the tax code. Anthony Mason reports on what the candidates' tax policies would look like.

Economic news -