Monday, November 12, 2012

Economic Confidence Indices

Consumer Confidence
Released On 11/1/2012 10:00:00 AM For Oct, 2012

PriorPrior RevisedConsensusConsensus RangeActual
Consumer Confidence - Level70.3 68.4 74.0 68.5  to 76.0 72.2 
October consumer confidence improved in October to a reading of 72.2, up from 68.4 in September. The present situation index increased to 56.2 from 48.7 while expectations climbed to 82.9 from 81.5 last month. While below the consensus estimate of 74.0, consumer confidence is now at its highest level this year.

Consumers were considerably more positive in their assessment of current conditions, with job market improvements as the major driver. Consumers were modestly more upbeat about their financial situation and the short term economic outlook. Consumers' assessment of current conditions improved in the month. Consumers' were more positive about the labor market as well with those stating that jobs are plentiful increasing and those claiming jobs are hard to get decreasing.

Consumers were generally more optimistic about the short-term outlook in October. Those anticipating an improvement in business conditions over the next six months increased but so did those expecting business conditions to worsen. Consumers' outlook for the labor market was also mixed. Those anticipating more jobs in the months ahead increased as did those expecting fewer jobs.
Market Consensus before announcement
The Conference Board's consumer confidence index improved in September, jumping a very strong nine points to 70.3. This was the best reading since February and the third best reading of the whole recovery. This report stressed the consumer's improved assessment of the jobs market. Other readings include improvement in income expectations where, for the first time since June, optimists outnumber pessimists.
The Conference Board compiles a survey of consumer attitudes on the economy. The headline Consumer Confidence Index is based on consumers' perceptions of current business and employment conditions, as well as their expectations for six months hence regarding business conditions, employment, and income. Three thousand households across the country are surveyed each month. In general, while the level of consumer confidence is associated with consumer spending, the two do not move in tandem each and every month.  Why Investors Care
Typically retail sales will move in tandem with consumer optimism - although not necessarily each and every month.
Data Source: Haver Analytics
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U.S. Economic Confidence Index

Source: Gallup Daily


Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index
Released On 11/8/2012 9:45:00 AM For Nov, 2012

Level-34.7 -34.4 
Americans' ratings of the national economy reached their best level in more than four and a half years this week, bringing the Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index to its highest reading since spring. The consumer comfort index edged up to minus 34.4 from minus 34.7 the prior week on its scale of minus 100 to plus 100.

The index is based on Americans' ratings of the economy, the buying climate and their personal finances. Eighty percent rate the economy negatively, still 15 points more than average – but the fewest since March 2008.

Ratings of the national economy have improved by 6 percentage points in the past five weeks and by 9 points since their recent low Aug. 19.

Nonetheless, 70 percent call it a bad time to spend money and 52 percent rate their personal finances negatively.
The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index is a weekly, random-sample survey tracking Americans' views on the condition of the U.S. economy, their personal finances and the buying climate. The survey was formerly sponsored by ABC News since 1985.  Why Investors Care
The Consumer Comfort Index is a composite of three components: consumer views on 1) the state of economy, 2) personal finances & 3) whether it is a good time to buy needed goods and services. Net positive responses to: state of economy, personal finances & good time to buy needed goods/services.
Data Source: Haver Analytics

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