Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Expected GDP revision for 2nd quarter

2015 Economic Calendar
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Released On 8/27/2015 8:30:00 AM For Q2p:2015
PriorConsensusConsensus Range
Real GDP - Q/Q change - SAAR2.3 %3.2 %2.7 % to 3.6 %
GDP price index - Q/Q change - SAAR2.0 %2.0 %1.9 % to 2.1 %
Recent History Of This Indicator
Real GDP is expected to be revised higher to plus 3.2 percent in the second estimate from an initial estimate of 2.3 percent. The revision is expected to reflect upward revisions to retail sales and a large build in June business inventories.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the broadest measure of aggregate economic activity and encompasses every sector of the economy.  Why Investors Care
Real GDP growth is always quoted at a quarterly annual rate. It measures how much the economy has grown over a three-month period. Quarterly growth rates are often volatile; consequently, economists also like to look at the year-over-year growth in GDP. The yearly changes tend to be more stable.
Data Source: Haver Analytics
It is common to compare quarterly changes at annual rates in the GDP deflator. These can be volatile, just like the quarterly swings in real GDP growth; as a result, the trend in inflation is better determined by year- over- year changes.
Data Source: Haver Analytics
2015 Release Schedule
Released On:1/302/273/274/295/296/247/308/279/2510/2911/2412/22
Release For:Q4a:2014Q4p:2014Q4f:2014Q1a:2015Q1p:2015Q1f:2015Q2a:2015Q2p:2015Q2f:2015Q3a:2015Q3p:2015Q3f:2015
A: Advance P: Preliminary F: Final

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