Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obamacare numbers

obamacare enrollment map btn
  • 228
  • 9

The Obama administration on Wednesday released a boatload of numbers about initial sign-ups for Obamacare coverage.

What's clear is that the administration has a long way to go before hitting estimated enrollment figures. Technical troubles on both state and federal sites have made it tough for many people to create accounts and select plans.
The administration promises that the federal site,, will be running smoothly for the "vast majority" of visitors by the end of the month.
The open enrollment period ends March 31. People must sign up and pay for insurance plans by Dec. 15 if they want coverage to start Jan. 1.
The figures released reflect sign-ups between Oct. 1 and Nov. 2 on the federal exchange, which handles enrollment for 36 states, and 11 state sites that have reported.
Here are the key figures:
1. Registered on an exchange and determined eligible to enroll in a health insurance plan or Medicaid: 1,477,853
2. Signed up for health insurance plan, but not necessarily paid: 106,185
3. Signed up through the federal exchange, 26,794
4. Signed up through 11 state-based exchanges: 79,391
5. Not yet picked an insurance plan: 975,407
6. Deemed eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program: 396,261
7. Deemed eligible for federal subsidies: 326,130, or 22% of total.
8. State with the most sign-ups: California with 35,364
9. State with the fewest sign-ups: North Dakota with 42
10. Visitors to state and federal exchanges: 26.9 million

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